Plan out your activity.
Allow room for errors.
Give enough time so you stay patient.
Give time for the children to process what they are learning.
Let them be hands-on.
Plan to clean up a mess-with their help.
Encourage questions.
Have fun!
Math shouldn't happen only in the classroom. The world is our classroom! This blog will have activities to do with children that will make math memorable. When people have the chance to learn in different ways, they will retain that information better. Smell, touch, see, and taste math! Math 1512
About Me
- cheryl
- I believe it is important to have faith in what you are capable of. Math is not an area of exception. My motto is "When there is a will there is a way!" Make up your mind that you can do math. Help children to believe that, too. Little by little or all at once, math problems can be done by you!